Archive for April, 2014

Admit it, you have done at least three of these!!!

This is what has been happening for the last few decades, to Punjab and India.  The same political parties and politicians, many who are criminals, are voted back in after they feed people money, drinks and drugs.  And they are given five years to rape, pillage and empty the coffers, like they have done now.

I have stayed out of it and didn’t want to come into it. But this mess has dragged me into the foray! I am no expert as to who anyone should vote for. But when you have Jazzy B, Gippy Greewal, Harbhajan Mann & others making ads for Akali Dal and for the Badal govt, it stuns me. These parties have done absolutely nothing for Punjab! They control PTC TV station, that also runs the PTC awards….think about it… if you no support us, you not gonna win an award! And these artists are now releasing videos etc saying we don’t support these people etc. Either you do or you don’t! Stand like a true Desi!  It doesn’t take much, take a look at who won awards or were featured on stage at the PTC awards show this year and it all makes sense.  All these guys also release movies regularly, and yes PTC also now produces films.

I am not a citizen of Punjab. I am not a citizen of India. I am an outsider, who can’t change the fate of our mother, unlike you.  Why are you putting yourselves through the hell that you have suffered for the last ten years?  For drugs? Money and Drinks?


I hope that Punjab & India votes for the AAP and Kejriwal, to get back on track.  If not….we will all pay for it…again!  I asked my dad today,’Dad, what’s wrong with our people?’ We know they gonnna rape our country, over and over again. So why vote for these thieves? He said simple, ‘We love to get fucked! And are used to being Fucked’ – First the Persians, then the British, now our own people are raping their own motherland.

AAP Candidates-
15 Doctors,
48 Social activists,
37 RTI activists,
4 Teachers,
24 Engineers,
7 Army Men…
BJP Candidates-
32 Rapists,
18 Murderers,
73 relatives,
16 Criminals.


Why don’t we give someone else a try to fuck us and our country? Give them 5 years and let’s see what happens.  Realistically, can India really suvive with a Kejriwal? Who knows, it can’t be worse than it is now, with suicides, record drug addicts, gangs and land grabbing.

In my humble opinion…If you vote for anyone else…you might as well, shoot yourself in the head! You have tried everyone else for the last twenty years, let’s try Arvind Kejriwal and AAP for the next FIVE! If we don’t like it, move on and vote elsewhere next time! GIVE HIM AND AAP 5 YEARS!

Mad Mann!


Posted: April 28, 2014 in Uncategorized

Keep them dancing up there, like you have been down here!

They say every man that lives should leave behind a legacy.  Usually it’s a trait or quality in their relatives and family.  But this Legend left behind something much more for the world.  A song that was released in 1988, which when put up against any song today will Eat It, Spit it Out and then Eat It AGAIN, just for fun.  I remember when I used to play this song it used to bring a roar in the club, hall or where ever it was played, even in the car, on a warm summer day, windows rolled down!  Keep Rockin’ EZ ROCK!  There are songs, then there are anthems and very, very few songs reach the status beyond that.  R.I.P.!

Mad Mann

And yes, I used to wear those track suits, with the funky hat and the Run DMC ADIDAS! – And even had a dance routine to this song with my brother….come on, who didn’t?




Been getting asked this a lot. To start out…***NOTE TO NSA & all other agencies like that***…
I am just a really crazy guy with an over active imagination, so please don’t knock on my fucking door, or watch me from down the street like you have been. And trust me, you don’t want to go through my phone and internet search history, and if you do…my friends come over a lot and use my computer, I DO NOT look up those things!

I did start a write up on it a few days after it happened, but thought if I post it, the next day they’re going to find it and I’m going to look like an idiot. But, over the last few weeks, my theory has been sort of making sense and people who have asked and I have shared it with have said, that makes total sense.

So, what happened? ***The following is a fictional story of what may have happened, in an alternate universe: Well, the flight never crashed. SHOCKER!? Not really. The families said they called cell phones of the passengers and they were ringing, until it was broadcast on the news. The ever shifting stories of the Malaysian Government, we have the plane, it turned left, it turned right, it went back etc etc.

The flight folks was taken over by a terror group, flew for seven hours and was probably flown to most likely Pakistan or somewhere around the general area. The most plausible theory I have heard is the possibility of it landing in a desert located between India & Pakistan. The phones were ringing, because they were still on. If they were underwater, would they have been ringing or gone straight to voice mail?

The government of Malaysia is afraid to admit what has happened because it would jeopardize their national airline and security systems. The black box battery is only good for about a month, coincidentally the same time it took to find these ‘PINGS’ that they have heard near Australia (a Western State). The crashed plane would have pillows and other floatation devices floating around, which there seems to be none of.

Will they find the black box and no debris of the plane and close the investigation? Or will they say we are almost sure these were the PINGS from the black box of flight 370, but couldn’t find it and conclude the case? Well, chances are, since it’s happening in Australia all the Big Boys in the game are in on it and will help to cover it up. Don’t be surprised if the debris turns up, is quickly rushed, researched, and destroyed.

So what about the plane and passengers? The plane will be used as a weapon somewhere and the people, possibly as hostages used at a later date. So why didn’t anyone come forth and say, WE DID IT? Because, then the world powers would be able to track them down, break in, destroy the plane, and free the hostages…using only a crazy mofo, named RAMBO!

**On a Serious Note: May the families suffering in this whole mess find closure and I do truly wish they were not put through this charade.

Mad Mann!